Horizontal and vertical test chambers

for cyclic corrosion and humidity salt spray tests.

Our CORROSIONBOX are laboratory test machines used to simulate the exposure of materials to corrosive conditions, to evaluate their resistance to corrosion in real conditions.

The CORROSIONBOX consist of a test chamber in which humidity, temperature and the presence of corrosive substances similar to those present in the real environment in which the material will be used are reproduced. This laboratory test machine is made entirely of corrosion-resistant PP plastic material and equipped with glass door, which allows you to observe the material under test during the various stages of the test.


Compact and innovative vertical models 400 and 1000 liters with large front door and Italian design for accelerated corrosion tests providing the best possible simulation of outdoor corrosion.



Traditional basic horizontal models of salt fog chambers 600 and 2000 liters and also advanced models for accelerated cyclic corrosion tests providing the best possible simulation of outdoor corrosion.



We have introduced an innovation to bring our new CORROSIONBOX into the fourth industrial revolution (INDUSTRY 4.0), exploiting the benefits of the manufacturer-user interconnection via Internet for remote diagnostics and assitance, upgrades etc. Availability of relevant information for both the user and the manufacturer in real time (SMART MANUFACTURING) to work smarter, faster and above all flexible with significant productivity improvements. Making an investment in the new CORROSIONBOX E Plus means choosing reliability, technology, innovation and looking to the future.

The test material is exposed to the simulated conditions inside the test chamber for a specified period of time, during which the corrosion is monitored and evaluated. Assessments may include visual observation, chemical analysis and measurement of the mechanical properties of the material.

CORROSIONBOX are used in a wide variety of applications, including material development for the automotive industry, aerospace, electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing and building materials manufacturing. The ability to simulate real-world corrosion conditions allows manufacturers to test materials in an accurate and controlled way, improving their strength and durability.

Our CORROSIONBOX laboratory test chambers are machines used to test the resistance of materials to corrosion, simulating the corrosion conditions present in the environment in which the material will be used. This type of testing is important to ensure the life and safety of products and to improve their quality.
 The typical applications of our laboratory test machines are quality tests and product life usually in the engineering, electronic, metal, chemical industries and in general for industrial sectors that require high-quality tests. precision, thanks to their complex and specific technology.

Corrosionbox Standard List